Vision Designs are in first stages & concept.

I’ve done a lot of Soul Journey. Head straight down below to read through the Visionary States.

Thank you for being here to read through this.
I appreciate you and I feel where you come from.
This is on going research & experience

My life is like an Astronaut and that’s the path I walk.
Self Exploration.

My experiences & research began when I was younger.

Early stages of looking through microscopes, telescopes, binoculars, Cameras.
Being in wild life and travelling.
Reading many books & hitting the sketchbook with my pencils.

Soul Journeying without knowing it until later on.

You probably can feel where I’m coming from on that.
Where you see how far you’ve come to where you are.

I realised some of my experiences were unexplainable & repeating on the way,

In my sleep states, I began to experience states of Remote Viewing, Astral States & Outer Body States, Soulful Experiences.
The unexpected always came knocking at my door.

Wasn’t to sure on how to respond other than to just grow with what I go through.

There’s experiences YOU & Me go through that you just sit with over the years.

Sometimes your thrown into the deep ends to ride the waves.
In those deep ends you learn to swim.

The fact that your here to read through my experiences is an indication you think beyond and is on your Soulpath.
Because in an age where there’s so much confusion and tugging,
the real goal from my perspective is to realise we are at that point of time.

We live in an Space Age.
Even when many say its the end of days.

I’m optimistic & we can all think bigger when we realise what makes us Sentient.

Where we must be Wiser and listen.
Being more in tune with the current times where what comes our way will push us to step up to bring all we have to the final moment.
Courage in the face of Dystopia.

What comes with us on the way for the next step of Spiritual Growth is to see beyond our own limitations.

How does a world full of so many beliefs, Ideologies, Politics, Policies and Power come face to face with Planetary Steps in further Distances?

Far from what we call Home and into Self Exploration in all states of Creation.

Other wise, why are you reading this?

We all know there’s a problem down here.
The actual goal is to leave behind this old paradigm rather than being in these conflicts.
We are so much stronger now and more conscious than we have ever been, where the previous ways of how we do business just cannot step up to the higher intention of Intimacy, Friendships, Family, Experiences and Intuition.

As much as it does not look like it in all of this Turmoil.

I went past a checkpoint long ago.
Where I found myself just acknowledging that what I go through isn’t for anyone to tell me that it needs to be proven, in fact I wish you was there to see some of those places with me.

Sometimes those moments on the flights of the alone is for you own growth.

When I listen to people talking about a lot of these areas, especially in a day and age where we are being divided and conquered.
I already know a large percentage is BullSh*t.
From both spectrums on those who believe and who don’t.
Some people just live life as a lie.
Some talk from a place of no adversity & challenges.
With a zero sense of Spiritual Work & Ground work.
Takes time to get there, and it takes commitment to maintain who you are.
That’s Mentally & Physically.

Living a life through fear & manipulation.
Instead of Love and Optimising in Understanding.
It’s tough being an Empath.
I learned to shut my feelings off and reactions long ago in a world full of over sensitivity.
Where the ones who think their strong are actually the weakest amongst us.

When my feelings where just stamped on, I realised long ago that my feelings don’t matter.

Yet, I learned to nurture how I feel to know I’m a thousand times stronger.
You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Silent moments of internal battles that when there was no one there other than your faith in yourself and what comes at you.

Even through moments of complete Void.
Inner strength comes from within where the connection grows to lift yourself up and realise that strong people uplift others.

Weak people enjoy damaging others for pleasure.
These people do not know the difference between Victory or Defeat.

Neither do those people know what Victory feels like when you Achieve in Small wins and when to Celebrate.

There is no easy path.
Only one step in front of the other in Small Wins as you take each Breath.

Where I’ve been, the opinion and judgement of others just doesn’t matter.
Because I know I’ve been there.

That’s the only truth I will ever know.

I don’t seek validation from others, because how can you have validation to where you have not been?

I’m open to an open mind & heart, interpretation in reflections and relation, joy and philosophical reflections, sorrow & space holding, yet theories and belief just turns to dust in the felt moment of the actual experience, because experience is one of the fundamental core of all existence.

I know what it feels like to have a fist to the face or a roundhouse kick to the shins.
Choked out and to tap out.
This is where a lot of people don’t talk from.

Who you are in the felt presence of being in the moment and how you live.
That is who God is.
God, is the being in the felt moment of the experience. The being in the moment.
The breathe that comes through you.

I believe in myself and that’s enough.

In those waves of experiences there has been contact.
Like you, and anyone else, you pay attention to what you go through.

My perspective on these areas go towards Soul Growth & Self Exploration.
States of personal growth & tuning in to where the rest of the world is at.

I began to see Visions after I drank the Divine Vine.
The powerfullest plant medicine known to Man.


When I drank the medicine, she unlocked the King within.

In those Visions, I crossed over into states of the Afterlife.
I was then spoken to by people in those Visions who greeted me by my name.

The Vine is known as the Vine of the Spirits/ Dead.

She is the great Mother Vine, an Earth teacher.
Protected and always will be respected in all her Jungles, Indigenous people, Medicine workers & Guides.
The plant is Sacred & has been before B.C.
She is a Divine Intelligence that connects to all.

The experiences and research below is based on my own interaction to what was shown to myself.
Visions are incredibly personal to who hears the calling to the Jungles.
How we tune into Planetary States is to drink a Medicine that talks.

What comes through ranges in a variety of experiences.
How you come to the Medicine is what you bring with you.

Where the medicine pushes you into your own fears, traumas, supressed states of emotion, psychological insight & improvement.
Visual lessons & physiological insight.
Overcoming the fear of Death, a Rite of Passage.

What also comes? 
A complete surrender to what Mother Ayahuasca has to show you.

Sometimes to break you, only to shape you.

This is a long and juicy read, sit back and relax.

(This is a none advocacy to go and do plant medicine.
This is to walk a long side the people who understand the Medicine.
Current research studies and medical research in healthcare on nurturing alterative plant medicines. 
When going to plant medicines, go to places where it's legal & protected, then you will be guided properly.
There's more in the retreats for physiological improvement and mental wellbeing with people who work with the medicine that will look after you through the experience. 
These people work with the Medicine.

Take some time to be in the right mindset.
Make sure you have breathing space to return back.
Rest & Recover so you can get back to your routines, be responsible.)
Remember, there’s a time and place.
To much of anything becomes a poison.

I’m currently researching & gaining my own continuous insights ever since.
You can read through what I’ve experienced on this Page, I’m currently bringing my Visions into a Photographic state of Design in Graphics.
Thank you for coming over.