These sessions are currently just being delivered online through Zoom & Whatsapp,
When I’m travelling, face to face is always welcome with a Coffee / Drink.

Pendulums are a Meditation Tool that I work with when I Meditate.
When I do Yoga & Physical Movements.
Weight training
Breathe work & Reading books.
Ground work
Spirit Guidance & Reflection.
20+ Years of Pendulum practice.

Their my mind weights.
How I improve my mental cognition & psychological states in study.

After drinking Ayahuasca, I began to have contact in my Visions.
Some of those Visions are people from the Afterlife.

The spirits talk to me in many ways, this was when I realised I can still chime in and listen to what guidance comes through from the other side.
It’s pretty personal for me.

There’s a lot of people doing readings these days, remember, be careful who you go to.
There’s a lot of people out there that have zero connection and will mislead you.

I prefer doing breathework, yoga sessions & physical moments.
Currently in line with my own study in Arts of Movement in Strength & Conditioning / Functional Patterning,

I do ground work & Soul connecting.
That’s how you build a Soul connection.

Open conversation & Physical Review
Performance improvement Mentally & Physically

How you Interpret what comes through our conversation is how that connects to you in the present moment.


Introduction Reading
Contact to chime in.

First stage to know whether to continue the contact on your Soul Journey.

30 Minutes.



Contact to chime in.

Space holding & Open Conversation.
Spirit Guidance.

1 hour



Contact to chime in.

Space holding & Open Conversation.
Spirit Guidance.

2 Hours.