Haha, your still here.
I appreciate that.
Thank you.

Check this one out.

This was someone of Native Origin who appeared and sang to me while I was asleep.

I wasn't expecting the contact,

This high pitched frequency came through my ears.
First stages of some kind of experience about to happen.

As I was asleep, I woke up in between states of waking and sleep where this Voice started to sing.

The sound of the Natives voice was singing me and guiding me into a vision.

The song was so strong.

The best way I can compare the level of how the song?

When you hear The Circle of Life song on the Disney's Lion King animated movie.

That moment when you hear NNNNNNNNNAAAAANdabe zitha, Nkosi yethu!

This white heavenly light space appeared and above me was someone of a strong Native Origin singing me up into this place.

I felt like I was going home.

He appeared in front of me and I felt about 4 feet tall.

I don't know who he was,
He was packing big knowledge and wisdom though.
I could feel it just standing there.

Spirits have that vibe.
He felt like a Spirit Guide.

One of those Heavenly White Light Visions.
You just listen when your being spoken to.

I was stood there with my journal for some reason and he was tapping one of his fingers on the pages.

Then he told me as he laughed:
"Your very good at finding leads."

Then the vision ended.

I woke up as the vision ended, then beat my fist on my heart feeling that moment.

Felt a massive amount of gratitude and achievement to be told that by who was of Native Origin.
Goes a long way back for me and who knows where I’m coming from.
Massive blessing to be in contact with someone that Wise and Caring.

I see him as guide and he keeps my spirits up.
Ever since that experience, I contemplate what is expected on the choices I make from then on.
There’s a lot of Wisdom & Soul journeying from the Native & Indigenousness.

After that Vision, I pay more attention to how conscious I am in the moment, how wise will I make actions.
How deep I breathe when I go through each step and how much do I appreciate what comes my way.
A connection to who I am lives with me every day from that contact.
There’s always lessons that come from Visions that guide you on your way.

When I realised what he told me about finding Leads, the conversation was a direct link to my own Life where I reflected over the Leads I’ve found over the years.

Because of that interaction, I bring it into one step into the direction where I build in Business, Networking and building relationships.
Every time I talk to someone there’s a connection that goes a long way.
I learn every day.

Big Native just knows.




This came to my thoughts
while I was uploading my work.

Back in infinite school, I used to sit in front of this Totem pole.

As soon as I saw it go up it was my first interaction of a piece of someone else’s world.

Was pretty much my safe spot to just be alone.

How this relates to me now?

Just another moment where I felt a connection to contemplate the experiences I was going through.

Every night I went to sleep I went through many moments of what I would describe as Outer body experiences.

At the time, there was no explanation to what was happening.

I used to sit here and reflect on what these experiences were, was nada words at the time.

Looking back it now, just makes a lot of sense as the Hopi & Natives are rich in that knowledge & wisdom as stages of soul growth.




PIPPY Spirit Animals & Companions