When you go into higher states of self exploration through plant medicines & entheogens, what you can come to find is YOU in a state of complete Totality.

Higher states of Universal Oneness into the Divine Nature of all Existence.
Sounds all profound yet the entire state is Therapeutic as you Travel through Experience.

I found my self in the body of a giant Titan where you sense of self realises you are in the body of a bigger Creator.

When you go deeper into the experience, your feelings are heightened into complete inspiration & exploration.

Divine moments of Truth become visible to show you who you are.

What it feels like?
It feels like jumping into a Fountain of Beauty while your sat comfortable.
Just breathing in the experience.

How that appeared?
The experience for me was like a Shamanic Journey through the Inner states of the Cosmo from within to outwards.
Visual lessons of self understanding & listening to a language beyond vocabulary into Observation.

Your interpretation and where you are in your life meets the experience half way.

Through out my works
Incredibly similar to what you see in Aboriginal Artwork.
Here are some Photographic memories done by hand with Pencil.





BIG NATIVE Spirit Guides