This one is a long read.
Just giving you a heads up.
I’d appreciate the time to bring it to your attention.
Thank you.

There’s a lot of talk and activity on this area in the Interdimensional in 2024, and there is a fundamental reason for that.
I’m working on this Art piece-Vision, this is in the first stages of the design.

Just to be clear with you. I’m not looking for your validation.

I stay away from a lot of people talking about this area while I pay attention to who makes sense.

There’s so much misinformation & deception.
Far away from the actual contact.

As for me?
To have contact from another species is a leap for my own understanding.
It’s a dialogue that continues and I nurture it.
I did not expect the contact to be reoccurring.

I thought the amount of times I was being visited was unusual.

That fundamental reason why your seeing so much talk on the Interdimensional and how much activity has come up?
Is because we are at that time where we are going to be leaving the nest.

Planetary states of travel & movement.
Interdimensional Technology & Disclosure
Entering other’s Territory.
Species to Species confrontation.
Partnership in higher states of interaction.

These are the times where the stages of a caterpillar will become a butterfly to experience the next stage of dimensionality.
When the Caterpillar enters a new plane of Dimensionality, it then becomes visible to what else flies in that space.

One Vision that came after drinking Ayahuasca while I was asleep where my Visions come on.
I was in this remote and far away land where the atmosphere was noticeably different.
The entire place was high definition in crystal clear scope.
One of the bluest skies I’ve ever seen.

As I was there. I realised I was in a Visionary state.
I thought it was a bit strange as this wasn’t the afterlife visions I’ve been seeing.

The previous Visions that have come, I know for a fact most people on the planet have gone to the grave without ever comprehending , yet alone seeing.
To take in what I’ve gone through I’ve just sat with it before I share it because I’ve been watching the Turmoil that we are all going through.


Conscious & taking in what I was being shown in this distant place, far away from where I was in this Astronaut experience.
I looked up at the sky, where this slit appeared, like a slit between dimensions.
In the Sky, a group of Spaceships came through.
Just materialise in a gigantean of mass.
Try not to imagine something from hollywood.

it’s incredibly surreal & organic.
These ships appeared out of nowhere.

What I realised, I’ve seen the exact same entrance in previous contact in my sleep states.
A repeating behaviour in the nature.
This is how I pay attention to patterns of reoccurrence even through states of sleep.

I was in absolute Awe.
Thinking, those are absolutely massive.

As I watched the ships move over me, I felt this feeling on the left hand side of me.
This ship was on the ground level observing me.

The feeling?
I didn’t even see it until I felt someone next to me.
When my awareness realized the Ship was there, this moment of our presence was the only thing that mattered at that point of time.

Our awareness was locked on to each other, I cannot express how strong that was.
When your in the wild in front of an Animal that wants to eat you is how real it feels, your stood there just breathing what move to make.
Yet what was looking back was Wise & Observant.

This interlocking attention between each other entered into some kind of state of Telepathy.
As bananas as that sounds to you.

Yet I’ve heard so many people state the same nature on the encounters & the exact same nature being stated in Congress around the world by those stepping forward pushing for disclosure.

It’s as Alien as Alien can be.

There’s a sense of intelligent Wisdom that wants to be exchanged by a sense of visual interaction when I’m Visited.

In that experience, these are the kind of conversations that come through,like a stage by stage experience, a kind of exchange between the basic blocks of interaction between the presence of each other,a kind of;
“ How well do you respond when I show you the ship”
”What kind of observer are you”
” Do you like the patterns?”
”How aware of you”
”Will you be able to take it”
”See you again sometime”

You get these strong levels of reflections in the contact and after the experience.
Almost a review and test on how aware are you.
What level is your conscious in the presence of another sentient species.

Ever since it’s been a continuum of contact.
I’ve heard people mention the Visitors being selective and I can understand why.

Do you?

Some nights it’s deep philosophical moments while making bonebroth drinks & protein shakes, some nights it’s just oh, glad to see you again.

I sit with what I go through, function exactly the same, continue to go to the gym and keep on top of my diet.

Because I believe, the more you train your self in your way, the more your mental states can also become heightened.
Doesn’t mean you need to by physically fit, yet I train my mental states as I do physically. this is just the way I live and feel strongly on optimising.

  • When I was observing the ships of the visitors, the presence of where that came from has been living for a long time.

  • I was getting the same readings and feelings when I was observing the patterns on the surfaces, they looked ancient as well as the presence.

    You feel it.

    I think our perceptions and how our current engagement with alien life is manipulated to the point where it’s almost over loaded from the point.

  • Way to much fantasy, media distortion and deceptions & Propaganda.

  • I think it’s more to do with personal growth and what key areas you learn from repeating experiences.

    When you have context and relation with Visitors to your experiences then you know you do not walk alone.
    Just to confirm, as you are reading this, your not alone.

    My perspective on this is a Soul Intention & the Biological.

    Take it this way,
    When you live & work with animals you build a connection over time.

    Just as you would with what comes in higher lifeforms just in the current times.
    What is out there wants to make contact and it’s on our Soulpath.

    How that species observes our current state of existence is how well you understand surrounding paradigm that we live in.
    This is why their always at a distance in the sky.

    Their aware of how we do business down here.
    The other reason is because the weaponry we currently operate is not welcome up there.

    Another issue is, whoever the Visitors are, their presence & entrance into our skies has made them into a target.
    What I’ve heard is various previous serving members of the Military have been shooting down the ships.

    These are the types of conversations that are happening globally that are beyond government and into private contractors.

    Reversed Engineered Technology.
    What this means when you hear this is our Visitors Technology has been taken.
    This is what’s causing a threat to Human Resources & National Security because of the capability to eradicate many Resource Problems.
    As well as causing a threat between who has hold of that Technology to be used as a Weapon.

    What’s been mentioned is the actual Technology cannot be operated, the only way that it can be reflected is by attempting to reverse engineer the technology.

    There’s reports on people in service stating the crafts being operated as a weapon and are undisguisable.
    This is causing confusion between how the UAP technology to other Countries & Militaries.

    This is another reason why we are being watched from that distance between ourselves and whoever these Visitors are.

    The way we do business down here is manipulating the narrative to see these Visitors as a threat and as an Invasion, this is how the media and whoever does not want this to be confronted is going to spin it because of how advanced the technology is.

    The nature of the Visitors is so far from what’s being told.

    From what I’ve experienced, their incredibly friendly and are as curious as you.

    I’m not claiming to channel anyone, neither do I know who and where these Visitors come from.
    All I know is when ever we have that contact, the connection is always an exchange & dialogue.

    I listen to a lot of conversation on the UAP Disclosure to see how much connects to my own experiences, that way I know who’s just talking complete bullsh*t.

    It’s become so easy to believe anything and spread misinformation where people live a story that did not happen.

    There’s talks globally on this War going Interplanetary.
    Another reason why all of this was made above classified.
    It’s been covered up for so long.
    All of this conflict would have been solved long ago, no one know’s how long WW3 is going to last for.
    People are stating it’s going to go Interplanetary.
    There’s technology down here that most of the population is not aware of yet the presence of who is watching is becoming more apparent.
    You can see it through Social media in many areas of the world.
    There’s a lot of fake & misleading documentation and this looks like a way to make it more unbelievable than it already sounds.
    Yet, it’s a global conversation.
    Why else would we be talking about it?

    What gets in the way is Obsession & fixation on wanting things to be real that are not.

    Everything is a test of intelligence to how aware are you.

    I come from my own experiences.
    Anything else that I hear outside of me has to link to what I’ve experienced.
    Other wise I push it away.

    Here’s my take on it.
    Instead of building that relationship between the Visitors, there’s people out there sabotaging the relationship by using the technology as a way to be hostile towards each other, instead of solving the worlds problems.

    Todays problems are still being waged with War.
    That’s how far behind we are.

    What comes with Interplanetary technology comes with new levels of responsibility to move beyond these old ways to fall away.
    To become a interplanetary species with a multiplanetary capability means solving basic Planetary problems without causing conflict.

    When we speak of our Space & Space Travel, a wide range of conversations come with interdimensional topics & states.
    In a time where our Species could do with a hand, there just so happens to be someone watching from the skies.

    This is why the Universe is Mental and all Consciousness is connected.

    We are not looking for a saviour or someone to save us, we are looking to be taught how to step up to solve it by taking the responsibility to be a Species that can get along with others out there in Space.

    That’s right.

    What comes with us is how well do we treat others from other star systems.
    This is what comes up on our Spiritual direction.

    What you will come to find is if you haven’t realised already, the Universe is MENTAL.
    The speed of a Thought navigates Space.
    Intuition attracts each other.
    What you seek is seeking you.

    There’s a fundamental connection of relationship & partnership when meeting others.
    That’s what we will look for to others that come from somewhere else.
    Do other species feel from where we do.

    I think whoever is watching, is waiting for us to come to that realisation.

    A species that can travel through Space & Time with that kind of Technology makes our current technology look slow and bulky. deadly & misdirected.
    What kind of Values and Morals exist elsewhere, where that elsewhere is going to make us question our own.

    The entire Law & Political system has introduced this into the governing bodies because that’s how serious it’s being taken.
    People from all over the world in many high ranking positions and previous people who served in Militaries are stepping forward to confront this.
    A threat to National Security and Human Resources.

    Why would you go into Space without any sense of Intuition and Soul Connection?

    No sense of Soul in Outerspace leads to endless Voyage to places out of tune.
    Because, Inner space & Outer space are exactly the same.

    All is connected through states of Consciousness.
    A plasmatic field of dimensionality in many states of the quantum.
    Without the quack and into actual action.

    Our species is at that point of time and in the first stages of leaving the nest.

    How else will you know how to travel Space without the guidance of another Species?

    The Universe is Mental.
    What' I’ve heard about UAP technology from the Visitors is the Ships move in the speed of Thought.
    It’s been stated that the Ships Operate through a Telepathic Navigation that moves the ship.

    I know right,

    While we continue using fuel and rockets that take light years to move and taking other peoples resources.
    The Ships that have been stated publicly & reversed engineered operate by ways we do not understand.

    From what I’ve seen and experienced.
    The exchange between each other is based on Telepathy.

    What has been increasing is levels of the UAP/UFO area in talks with congress, political powers and a genuine increase in sightings.

    I don’t know what’s on the way, yet I’d be sceptical and watch the patterns unfold.

  • There’s so much misinformation where you do not know what is real and what isn’t.
    I speak from my own research and that’s all I know.

Some I look to and question on being Military technology, because it’s easy to make yourself believe what you see is what you want it to be, when it may just be the complete opposite.

And then there’s actual Visitors.

Some nights after star searching and testing the range of my camera equipment, I was being watched.

There was a lot of moments when I observed something, wasn’t by chance, it’s by intuitive knowing.

A sense of feeling, a sense that pulls your attention to look into particular direction.

For me, when I’m stood alone and there’s a ship right above me, it’s a pretty intense experience.
The next time I go out skygazing, I be more equippment with the right Camera equipment to see what is there.

Every time I captured anything on my Nikon it just looks like a star and out of focused.
For me to take Photographs of actual Spaceships is a new target I’m working towards.
I’m working on getting my equipment up to date and then back out on the field.




One night,

I was heading back home to make food & go through that nights photo shoot.
As I was about to walk into the doorway, my thoughts told me to look up.

This feeling came out of nowhere that told me to look up.

I was pretty set on heading back in as it was freezing.
Was no reason for me to look up.

Above me was a light, that began to glow brighter and brighter, after about 5 minutes, the light shot off into one direction.

The speed was a blip.

Appeared to move faster than the speed of photons.

Stood there thinking, right, that just happened.

When you and your senses start to feel another awareness, you start to feel it.
You see the same response when you hunt animals, that animal feels a change in the environment.
Sometimes your only aware of the animal.
Sometimes your aware of each other.

Some nights I’m visited through Visions.

I didn’t realise how often until drinking Ayahuasca.

I thought what I was seeing were just dreams.
Turns out to be a dialogue.

You look through your dreams to make sense and then there are some experiences that don’t come as a dream.

Those moments come as higher states of experience that we are only beginning to understand.

I’m always sceptical.
Between dream states and what my visions are after Ayahuasca.
Without the Visionary state, I would not know the differences.

Until I see repeating patterns, that’s when I’m being shown something.

When another species wants to make contact with you, then it will.

There seems to be layers of higher states of communication.

How I see it?

Like a muscle, you train it to be stronger and functional.
That sense is activated and you feel an extra sense when you recognise what it is.
Then you become visible to what else inhabits that place.
Every time we meet in that mental state of space, there’s an exchange of lesson in realisation that we are aware of each other.

Basic building blocks.
Just the first stages of awareness.

What am I talking about?

States of Telekinesis.

You’ve probably come across those UAP/UFO meetings where people gather to talk about anything on the presentation.
I stay away from those.


Because it’s a personal experience and I nurture it.
To be greeted by other life to me is a pretty big thing.

I thought it was a one time contact experience, turns out the contact experiences come with exchange and some kind of relationship.
I call these the Visitors as I don’t know enough about where their from.

yet, so many people talk about knowing where all the Aliens come from?
It’s like people make stories up just to run with it.

Yet, the actual experience is more Alien than what it’s been taken for.

When I was younger, I was always hoping for Alien contact.
I used to look out the car windows on long drives at night on the motorway looking in the skies from spaceships while holding small spaceships and alien action figures. With my big satellite glasses that were to big for my face.

I didn’t see anything.

Until I started to study Photography.

I will be up front with you,
I’ve seen UAP/UFO activity on my field of study in Photography & just walking back to locations.
Many times.




I was walking back home from a friends house one night late in the morning.

There was no one on the streets.

This was back in a Winter.

I was just walking when I saw this Dark Object with Dark dim lit lights in the distance above a carpark.
In the distance just hovering in complete stillness.

No noise.

The entire environment was just silent.

All I saw in the distance was this Triangle.

I was surprised I even saw it.

At the time I was questioning, is that Military?

I stood there for around 30 minutes just watching the movements.
I noticed the Object was spinning around.
A Dark shape with dark dim red lights underneath.

No noise coming off the movement, just complete stealth.

As much as I wanted to stay there observing, I decided to head back home.
When I continued to walk, as the tree’s and gaps in the houses went past me, I noticed the Ship moving behind until it came out of my field of vision.
The date was around 2018/2019




I went outside for some air after editing in my studio,

This was just in the backgarden.

I looked up and this luminous beam of Light shot through the sky with these orbs of light spinning around this long object.

What ever that was did not hold a physical appearance.

The best way I can describe the nature that came through the sky was like a giant strand of DNA.
Illuminated in light with Multiple Spinning Orbs moving around the outside.

That’s the best way I can describe the Visual appearance.

I was stood there with my jaw dropped.

The motion broke the laws of physics.

That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Multiple Orbs of light spinning around an Object moving at an incredibly fast speed.

I don’t know what that was.
Some nights when I look back on that I contemplate, was that some kind of outside of Earth Phenomena that travels through Space that we may not be aware of.
The other is some kind of other species.
The organic nature that moved in the sky looked like something you would see in an Ocean, yet made of Light.

There’s probably species out there similar to what moves in the Ocean.
Even the size of planets reminds us at how Gigantic life is.

I came back in thinking, right.
That just happened.
I made a hot chocolate and continued editing.




One of my Visions of Interaction on a Holographic level was while I was asleep.
This came on after drinking Ayahuasca almost half a year later,

I was greeted by an Alien.

Out of all the years of looking.

I finally had that contact.


The week before the night of contact,
I was having this build up of incredibly Lucid dreams from being somewhere in the Antarctica with Penguins controlling machines a few nights ago.

As surreal and Lucid as that sounds.

While I was in those dreams, I felt this Lost & Wild feeling that there is someone hiding.

That’s the difference between Visions and Lucid.

Lucid is completely random and looks realer than your usual dreams.
Where as a Vision, is as the word says.

The next night after these Lucid dreams,
I went to bed around 10pm,

My door was left open with a night light on outside.

As I fell asleep, this Vision appeared of an Alien in front of me.

The entire moment was a Hello!
Nice to meet you!

This Alien was talking to me through my Psyche.
A strong moment of my life where I was thinkin, wow, there’s so much that I don’t understand.

This green and almond eyed alien was smiling at me while waiving.

I was so happy in that moment.
All I did was just breathe without getting to over excited.

The more I paid attention to who I was looking at, the Alien started to talk to me in this Telepathic state of communication.

As we realised our awareness of each other, the Alien said to me while touching my face with his fingers.

Oh, very good, your paying attention.”


The Alien was showing me areas of my Memory in this Holographic state.
Psychic Interaction in Visual Language.
Some kind of Review.

I was being shown how Memory looks on a Holographic state.

I’ve heard so many people talk about Holographic states of reality,
This was my first time ever seeing it.

What you see?
All these layers of interwoven sheets of transparent waves in the fabric of reality.

A kind of quantum holographic flow of motion.
I was being shown areas of my Memory.
This Vision came on while I was asleep.
Where most of my research and experiences are where I’m coming from.

The contact came to an end, as the Vision started to fade, I watched this Alien Smiling and Waving at me.

I did not want to go haha, I was like, Nooooooooooooo.

What I watched come through into the Visual Cortex was this Psychic Visual Imagery.

Two Psychic images of Hand Gestures was exchanged.

One Visual pictures was two hands shaking as a nice to meet you.

The other hand gesture was a hand waving goodbye, see you again some time

This is what I’m coming to find on our interaction with Higher states of Interdimensional Species.

This is the kind of intelligence that’s present when you have that contact.
Their aware of how to communicate.

This made a lot of sense to me for the exchange between the contact of language.

I’ve mentioned before, theirs always an exchanged of lesson in the interactions.

Basic building blocks to understand where each other comes from.

Their incredibly friendly..

This is a stones throw in a pond.
I will state it anyway.

Our current understanding of Interdimensional life is only just beginning.

Universal states of Language and how we interact with Space & Travel comes from another way of communication & Navigation.

We throw the word consciousness around like a ball, yet we are missing some of the basic building blocks of interaction & states of awareness.

The Universe is Mental.

How we travel through Space & Time means tuning into Lessons from the Interdimensional.
Our attitude towards looking for a saviour is not what we are looking for.

We are looking to be taught by how to work with Interdimensional technology from other Species with an Alliance.
Then we know how to take responsibility & ownership to resolve our current Planetary problems without conflict.

When that’s achieved, we will be able to become an Interplanetary family with Interplanetary capabilities without being a threat to others in Outer Space.

States of Maturity, Sentiency, Awareness.

Real Spiritual Growth.


PIPPY Spirit Animals & Companions
