The songs of the Icaro’s are living spirits.
Our Indigenous families, keep the connection by singing.
When the sounds come through, the music guides us to connect to the spirits.
When we feel the guidance of the songs, we feel a connection to the plant medicines.
On the journey, through the medicine trip, we are greeted by the spirits and the magic of what is around us.

Our sense of self comes into contact to our Ancestors,Spirits, Mother Earth. Friends & Families.
To bring us closer to what is on our lifepath, a way to meet the other side to our life progression.

Designs are based on Visionary States for Home & Interior. Art Collectors, Environments, Education centres, Health & Fitness
Spirit connection, Higher state, Protection & Blessings.

Available on Premium Fine Art Prints & Premium Prints on Unframed Canvas,
Graphic & Design.



Jungle Magic
